Amazing things happen when we combine the best of tools that leverage on emotional intelligence, neuroscience, resilience, nature-based learning and play therapy into an integrated approach. Affirmative School is designed to hold space for youths to develop their potential to be well-rounded achievers who are at peace with themselves, creating meaning and value while living everyday loving life.
Deep Dives
Affirmative Insights
[3 Hours, USD298]
In this coaching session, uncover insights about your child's performance in life. Take stock of your child's perception and scores on good health, relationship quality, life satisfaction, personal achievement and self-efficacy.
Our deep dive is for your child to:
+ Understand focus, decision making and drive for long term transformation and results.
+ Enhance self-awareness and areas of growth
+ Gain clarity and renewed energy
+ Achieve mastery in goal setting and direction
Surfing Possibilities
Affirmative Resilience Intensives
[8 x 1.5h private sessions, USD$2600]
Intensives are catalysts for deeper awareness, self-efficacy and exponential transformation.
+ Uncover limiting beliefs and insecurities
+ Develop a growth mindset, confidence and resilience to surf challenging moments
+ Harness strengths, motivations and adopt strategies that maximises energy and time to achieve goals
+ Navigate emotions for greater balance, better decisions and cultivation of healthy behavioural patterns
+ Nurture constructive enriching relationships through better communication and empathy
+ Consciously practice 18 skillsets that differentiates high performers from average ones
+ Clarity of values and choice of role models
+ Improve scores on good health, relationship quality, life satisfaction, personal achievement and self efficacy.
Open Navigation
Affirmative Discovery
[3H Weekly Class, By Invite Only]
A dynamic interdisciplinary exploratory experience that integrates social-emotional learning, nature-based learning, play therapy and neuroscience to develop multi-dimensional resilience, agency and well-being.
We recognise that children may have asynchronous development and we support them where they are at. We create open ended deep learning through experiences designed to:
+ connect with nature
+ enhance the ability to listen to, build on, and contribute ideas
+ intellectual curiosity and engagement
+ foster independent thought and depth of ideas
+ creativity and flexibility in approach to problem solving
+ divergent and critical thinking
+ enhance emotional intelligence
+ growth mindset
+ build self-efficacy
+ risk management and health awareness
"Our task is to educate their whole being so they can face the future." - Sir Ken Robinson
These programs are developed and run by the same team of heart-centred individuals that materialised The Facilitators' Project, a weekly empowerment program designed to bring about self-mastery and elevated emotions of joy and love for abused and neglected children in shelters. Our Chief Optimism Officer, Dean Ng, has served the Singapore Police Force for over 20 years and is also a core coach under Forest School Singapore. Our Chief Emotions Officer, Juliana Johan, has over 20 years of experience working with children and she believes that humanity is about supporting others to surf possibilities in their lives.